
Kokomo Beach

The kids could hardly stand it we finally got to go to the Kokomo Beach. We have driven by there all summer with the big slides and kids playing and didn't go until today. I guess it has just been to easy to go to the other pool we have been going to all summer rather than venture out into a new place. Gavin had a blast going down the big slides with Kegan and Clara. Chloe enjoyed the smaller slide and just the kids area where she could touch the bottom and swim around. Around 4:30 we got kicked out due to thunder. My second ad came out today in the paper advertising my summer special I am hoping the seniors will get in before it gets to late in the year.

Today I had some extra time so I thought I would do an entry from dream scrapper blog challenge. It is to post a picture of yourself which I have already done. I would like to find out how people put one in the side bar... someday! Then the other part is to blog on YOUR dream. Well, I would have to say that would be to have my photography business making a good profit by the time Chloe is in 1st grade. I don't want to be supporting our family with it but just contributing to the bottom line as they say with my business. That was pretty easy for me to find my dream. If you have time think of yours!!!

I added some pictures from last week on our new patio Scott made for us (I am planning on get picture of that tomorrow) but the kids were enjoying their corn so much I had to go get my camera. Got to love that Indiana sweet corn!

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