
just another day

I don't have anything great to talk about our lives today so I thought I would use today to do some of the blog challenges I have seen.
The 36 things I want to do before my 37th birthday (in April) in no order, well other than the way they come into my head...

  1. Hug my kids more each day
  2. Tell my family that I love them more
  3. play with my kids more
  4. Learn how to mask in PS
  5. Read the purpose driven life Suzi gave me I don't know how long ago.
  6. walk 4 times a week.
  7. lower my in take of sugar
  8. grow my business
  9. scrapbook more (I can't believe it took me to now to say that)
  10. stop and smell the roses
  11. get organized (personally and professionally)
  12. paint the entryway
  13. paint the hallway (Erika and Scott's way)
  14. tile around the hotbath
  15. take more ordinary snap shots of my family (and have me in some of them)
  16. paint the halfbath
  17. keep up with backing up my photos from the computer
  18. sew another purse
  19. make Chloe and Gavin bean bags for the playroom
  20. go the the allergy dr and start my shots again.
  21. go to Disney in Feb.
  22. plan our trip to California in July
  23. get the full blown PS
  24. have the holiday walk here at our house
  25. not have someone ask if Chloe is my granddaughter on the 37th b-day

I am going to have to keep thinking on this one...
Here is a picture to show what Chloe likes to do when bubby is at school...


Getting a schedule going???

Well kinda! Just trying to figure out went to do everything now that Gavin is gone from 8 am to 4pm. Things are going great for him last week he got a 5 out of 5 on his behavior and his first spelling test is today. Last week is a blur. Monday school for both children. Tue. to papaw's pool with friends. Wed school and my first maternity shoot and still have not looked at the pictures can't wait - maybe tonight. Thurs. to the doctor for me and new point and shoot camera (camera's don't like diet coke I guess) and cell phone for Scott and I.

Thursday night Open house at Gavin's school. Ann of course is his teacher. Really funny going there and everyone Scott and I went to school with is there with their kids or teaching. Mrs. Loveless was talking to us and I asked how Gavin was doing and she said great... he is very meticulous - in only 1 week she can already see that as if its hard to recognize.

Friday went and got a ton of flowers to plant in the new area around the house and new patio. I think it is going to look great next year when everything really takes off.

Friday night we went to Max's b-day party at Lunar golf the kids loved it and of course Gavin is now having his party there.

Sat. was our anniversary and we went to the Melting Pot and had a great time. The kids stayed with Grandma and grandpa for the night.

Sunday Erika came over and we scrapbooked all day. Even though my house was a mess and laundry was piles up and no food in the kitchen. First things first scrapbooking! At least we were in the basement so I didn't have to look at everything that needed done. I will post my fave from Sunday to night. Scott took the kids to the car show and even took pictures - I have him trained.
I must go pick up the kids now maybe more later.


Gavin still needs hugs!

Today was different in that Chloe and I went to the pool with friends and Gavin was not there. Of course he had school and wasn't able to go and it was really kind of strange. Him being gone all day is rough. Yesterday when he got home he was mad and whinny and I couldn't figure out why. After sending him to his room I went up to talk to him and gave him a hug and he let me hug him for a good 10-15 minutes. I think its hard on him also. It reminded me that he is still my little boy... shhhh! don't tell him I said that. Sunday we finished up the swing set and the kids love it. They are really have a good time on it. I have two shoots this week, open house at Gavin's school, b-day party for Max, Sat. Scott and I are celebrating our 9th anniversary ( going to the melting pot for dinner and the kids are spending the night with grandma), and Sunday I am getting to scrap all day while the kids and Scott go to the car show. Not sure how much blogging will get done but I will try and catch up on Monday. I did this layout a while back but wanted to share.


WOW! Scott and I spent our entire day building a playset for the kids and we are still not done. We started at 11 and ended at 5ish. Tomorrow shouldn't be as bad we completed the major part today.

Yesterday and today Chloe has asked if she is going to school today and is very disappointed when I say no not until Monday. I am so glad she is excited about going. She has been signing this song she learned there that goes... 'The bus is starting to wiggle, the bus is starting to wiggle, the bus is starting to wiggle, aroun and aroun and around. Gavin is loving school, his new bus and driver, his teacher and the lunches - ya!


Yesterday was the first day of School for Gavin and Chloe. Gavin going all day to first grade and Chloe to her first year of preschool. Gavin was up and dressed before we knew it.

Then Chloe didn't have to be there until 12:30 so we took our time getting ready and doing all the important stuff like painting her nails and doing her hair. She looked so cute.

I am mad because my camera was set on 1600 ISO and I didn't realized it until I uploaded the pictures. But still really cute kids if I do say so. They both came home loving school so Scott and I are happy. Chloe wishing she could go everyday like bubby but I told her lets wait on somethings. I started looking into flyng to FL this winter and I am hoping that we can swing it to save ourselves 2 days but we will see. Well off to see if I can come up with a jewerly design for a new mag coming out soon - thanks Erika!


Catching up!

Well, so much for keeping up daily... I knew the wouldn't last forever. Thurs. we went to Elliot's (a friend of Gavin's) house to swim. It was great 6 boys and Chloe, but she managed to hold her own. Then Friday we ran earns in the morning then when the kids and I got home Scott was home and said there was a great deal on a camper he wanted to check out. So he took the kids and went to Anderson. I had a rehearsal dinner to take pictures at so I stayed home. When I got home from there Scott told me Rick Smitts (and if you aren't from Indiana he was a Pacer for years) was at our house earlier looking at one of his cars he had for sale. He couldn't stop talking about it. Today Scott was at the station so the kids and I headed over to the pool for one of our last full days of swimming before school starts. Tomorrow is the car show at church I am hoping it isn't going to be 96 and humid like today. I did a couple of new scrapbook pages I am excited about hope you enjoy.


Well Wed. are our day to stay home a get stuff done around here, but that didn't happen today. I had too many earns and just little things to do. We did finish up Gavin's school list of supplies. I did some work today which is always good. I finally got my pictures to complete my Becky Higgins sketch layout. I still need to journal but can't decide between white ink or red or maybe a dark blue. But it could be that I just hate to journal and I am trying to think of things to put it off.
I will have to make a choice by the end of tomorrow as it is due on Friday. Any input would be wonderful!


Kokomo Beach

The kids could hardly stand it we finally got to go to the Kokomo Beach. We have driven by there all summer with the big slides and kids playing and didn't go until today. I guess it has just been to easy to go to the other pool we have been going to all summer rather than venture out into a new place. Gavin had a blast going down the big slides with Kegan and Clara. Chloe enjoyed the smaller slide and just the kids area where she could touch the bottom and swim around. Around 4:30 we got kicked out due to thunder. My second ad came out today in the paper advertising my summer special I am hoping the seniors will get in before it gets to late in the year.

Today I had some extra time so I thought I would do an entry from dream scrapper blog challenge. It is to post a picture of yourself which I have already done. I would like to find out how people put one in the side bar... someday! Then the other part is to blog on YOUR dream. Well, I would have to say that would be to have my photography business making a good profit by the time Chloe is in 1st grade. I don't want to be supporting our family with it but just contributing to the bottom line as they say with my business. That was pretty easy for me to find my dream. If you have time think of yours!!!

I added some pictures from last week on our new patio Scott made for us (I am planning on get picture of that tomorrow) but the kids were enjoying their corn so much I had to go get my camera. Got to love that Indiana sweet corn!


Slow rainy Sunday!

Well, after weeks of sunny hot weather today and yesterday have been cooler and overcast. I did get the photo shoot in yesterday morning and he was great. Fun senior and the mom was great also. The kids spent the night away and it sounds like they both had a good time. Suzi and I enjoyed a 9 hour long scrapbooking day. Fun stuff. I am pooped today so short and sweet. I plan on going to the beach tomorrow with the kids. I am hoping the weather turns around. I did enter another TS scrap challenge today no real rules just submit one of your best layouts. These pictures were taken last summer while living in the rental while our house was being build. Chloe was so tired I actually got to take pictures of her asleep.


Registration for 1st grade

This morning we went to school to register Gavin for 1st grade. Mrs. Loveless will be his teacher which I am hoping will be a good thing. Gavin is a very organized by the book kind of kid and decisions are really hard for him. I know Mrs. Loveless has a very free class and lots of decisions to make. But I am looking at this as a good thing for him to grow. He is very excited that the bus he will be riding is brand new and really big. I am sure it will be the first thing he talks about when he gets home his first day. We then went straight to wally world to get his supplies and Chloe's. They were both really excited to pick everything out and of course the biggest choice was the backpack. Gavin had his heart set on a transformer one but when they didn't have any he settled for a cars. Chloe picked a pink princess backpack with a pencil bag. After dinner we all went for a bike ride and I think I haven't been on mine since before Gavin came six years ago. Tomorrow I have a shoot in the morning then then its the big day... Gavin is spending the night with Cody and Chloe is going to car grandma's. And with Scott at work what will I do???? Oh ya Suzi is coming over for a Scrap 'til you drop party. I have been preparing all day. No blogging tomorrow to much to do. See you Sunday.


Dog days of summer are here!

Today I woke up sounding better and feeling better - ya! Scott worked at the fire department so the kids and I went to the pool. Everyone was there and it was a great day. The kids had a blast playing and eating snacks. I took some pictures of the kids doing what they do best having fun.

Go Gavin and Kegan... wow Kegan you have come a long way from last year. You go boy!

1, 2, 3 JUMP!
I am working on the next scrapbook challenge getting inspiration from an ad. Very fun! Also doing a lot of planning for Sat. Gavin is going to his cousin Cody's house to spend the night (this is a first for him & Scott and I), Chloe is going to her grandma's to spend the night, and Scott will be at the station. Soooo, Suzi is coming over and we are going to scrap until we drop. Lots to do! Tomorrow Gavin is going to get registered for 1st grade!! All day 1st grade (as if there is any other kind) I don't think I am going to deal with this step very well. It's just all part of growing up. Well I must go and start planning for Sat.


feeling better sounding worse!

Well I woke up this morning with hardly any voice and feeling better. So I guess that is a step in the right direction. The good people from Sears came to replace our microwave today. I am hoping this one with not pop and smoke like the last one. Time will tell. And my time is ticking on getting my list to TK for our final year warranty. Louise and my mom came over today and then went to watch Gavin earn his orange with white strip belt at Karate class. He is so serious about it and loves going. I am just glad we found something that he can really enjoy beside cars of course. My mom and dad and Louise came over for dinner - it is really good seeing Louise. My new family photo wall is all but done. I still need one more 5x7 frame. I am really pleased with how it turned out.

Now on to the next project...??? I am starting to realize that I am going to have 2 1/2 hours twice a week with no kids starting Aug 15th. Really kinda strange to think about. What will I do with myself??? Tomorrow it is off to the pool. Ya!