This was not my original picture for today. In my attempt to be in more picture I had Gavin take a picture of my on the machine working out but it was so bad I oped for this one. Upto 26 minutes today.
workin out
Yellow belt
melted crayon art
You don't have to keep it all
Well this is Gavin's work from preschool, pre-k, 1st grade and part of 2nd grade. I forgot to put the pile from k-grade up for the picture but it was a whole box of stuff. Also a few of Chloe's things up there also. I am sorting and taking picture of the big unscrapbookable artwork so that I can scrapbook his preschool years. I am going to do an ABC book with both years.
Chloe and Isabelle
Karate niche
Tournament at Maconaquah High School
The cloud factory
My favorite wine
PJ valentine party
I am not sure what PJ's and valentines have to do with each other but that was Chloe's party today. We played in the gym passed out the cards to 56 people!!! That's a lot of cards for a five year old. Then they ate heart shaped brownies, sang songs and played pass the heart (hot potato) then the parachute game. A great party!
Getting home
Lake front property
Another nice day
trying new things
Is this really Feb?? It was so nice today that Chloe and I went down the road to the park. She has went down the small pole for a couple of years and really wanted to graduate to the higher one but couldn't make herself just do it. After many times of looking at it then changing her mind and just doing the smaller one she did it and couldn't wait to tell Bubby.
scrappin' in the dungon
I can't remember what post it is but this is the follow up to my new bookshelf in my office. I sorta have it the way I want it. It has been through several changes but I I am pretty happy with it now. I think I just came to the realization that it isn't going to look like the ones in the magazine. But it is very functional and looks pretty good also.
Growing up.
I can't remember when we started having Gavin wake up to an alarm clock but it works so well for him. But we have started noticing that he is needing less and less sleep. For the first half of this year it has been to bed at 9 and he gets up a 7:45 but now we are letting him stay up until 9:30 and getting up at 7:30. Pretty soon he is going to have to start putting me to bed!
Fish farm
The spring of 2006 Gavin got a fish tank with about 5 or so fish. They all lived happily together and in January of 2007 we noticed one of the fish was getting a really big belly but really didn't think much about it. Well at the beginning of Feb we found out why. She had 13 babies and just for the record Chloe found them. So we let them grow a little and then set up a tank in Chloe's room so that she could take the babies. Well since then those babies have had babies and more babies. We just got a new 10 or so today. We really don't want to set up another tank but hers is really too full now. Is there an Angelina Jolie fish any where that wants about 20 babies???
Cimetidine oral
Ok another post not for the weak... Gavin got a wort on the bottom of his foot. I am just sure from karate and all those stinky sweaty bare feet. We tried the compound W stuff with no success. I took him back into the doctor fully expecting Dr. O to freeze the sucker off. But instead (by Gavin's crying - I mean request) he has to take this medicine twice a day and 3 times a week we put Aldara cream on it. If this doesn't work it is back to the doctor and we all get to hold him down and freeze it off.
What is that in the back of the truck?
Scott came home today and said that he had gotten the 4 wheeler for Gavin that he had been looking at. So I asked Gavin "could you go get daddy's cell phone out of his truck for me?". Knowing that he doesn't miss anything and would see a red 4 wheeler in the back of the truck. So I grab my camera and run out in the freezing cold to get his reaction. And you guessed it he didn't even notice. I had to ask him 'what is that in the back?' and he looks in the back seat!!! Finally he noticed. But he did love it after 'finding' it.
Timed Legos
Gavin got A LOT of lego sets for his birthday and they were all put together before he went to bed the next day. And not just together but he timed each set. Thanks to Cooper that was easy because he actually got him a timer (stop watch). I am not sure if he enjoyed the process but he loved the thrill of conquering the job.