
where were you???

I thought I would take time now to post about today and six years ago. It is so strange I can remember people my parents age saying 'I can remember where I was when Kennedy was shot." and that is how 9/11 is for my generation. I was home on maternity leave with Gavin. He was taking his morning nap and I was getting ready to go to the park and meet Meg, Susan and maybe some others. I could hardly hear the TV from the bathroom (I was watching the Today show- which I watched pretty much every morning since the day after Gavin was born) and I could tell something was going on out of the norm. I came into the TV room and remember sitting down in the "big chair" with my hair still wet from my shower and not being able to process what I was seeing. I sat there until Gavin woke up with wet hair dripping not able to move. As I watched I couldn't get it in my head that this was happening in the US and someone purposely planned it out. I sometimes I find it hard to even talk about it because I wasn't personally touched by the attacks. I feel not worthy because some have lost so much, but as I think about it today I try and use it as something to remind me how thankful I am for my family. Also for all those overseas protecting our freedom. Thank you so very much!

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