Yesterday Scott and I went with Chloe on her first field trip to the apple orchard. The owner does such a great job explaining how the whole system works. Did you know that in a bee hive the queen bee and all the worker bees are all female. There is only one male and I believe he is called the drone??? I hate bees but after leaving there I do have a greater appreciation for them. Ever since the beginning of school Chloe has been talking about her friend Maggie and even wears tennis shoe to school because Maggie does. Here in the last week Scott and I have started to question the "realness" of Maggie. I mean you have to know Chloe but even for her some of the stories just didn't jive. So I had to post a picture from the apple orchard of Chloe and her friend Maggie...After doing some investigating and we found out there are no Maggies at the preschool on Monday & Wednesday???? So I am not sure if this is an imaginary friend or mistaken name. I am going to be doing some more investigating to find out. But if it is an imaginary friend I just think it is the cutest thing ever just the way she talks about her all the time. And where did she get the name Maggie (maybe Maggie and the ferocious Beast???).
This is why I do photography!
All time BB low
I didn't get a chance to post this when it happened so I am fessing up now. I hit an all time low for my BB (Big Brother) obsession. Last week they did the HOH competition and of course didn't let you now who won. So I went out on the blogs that have the 24/7 feeds to find out who won.
Pretty sad I couldn't wait until Sunday. And of course like every year in the past someone I really didn't want to win did so as of now like every year I am vowing not to watch next year. Ya right.
I am ready for the summer schedule already!!! I knew this all day thing was going to be hard but I really don't like it. Gavin is doing great but I never see him or get to spend any time with him. I feel as if I am losing my little boy. I know poor me but its hard. Here is another activity Chloe and I did while he was at school. Glue fruit Cheerios in the shape of her name. It was funny the first one she did she was just putting any color in any order and I was thinking it would be neat if each letter had a different color. Then when she was done with the first one she wanted to do another so I said yes. And without me saying anything she said I want to do all yellow on the 'C' and all purple on the 'h' and so on. She is my daughter!!
I went yesterday to get my allergies tested. New doctor in Noblesville due to my old dr. lying to me. Yes my old allergy dr. lied to me about six years ago so I really didn't want to go back to him. I am just funny that way. What I thought was interesting was that the old dr. sent the new dr. my records and I really didn't think anything would be mentioned about what happened but it was and really pretty truthfully, well I mean without coming right out and saying that he lied (or withheld the truth). I really liked the new dr. and he told me some new things I didn't know before. I of course am allergic to pretty much life in general. I will start my shots in about a week or so which I am actually excited about because I know they will help.
I am going on the mini camping trip on Friday. Scott and the kids are staying all weekend and I have plans so I am just going to stay Friday night. It will be a good test for Chloe - she gets so weirded out when it gets dark outside and she is outside. I won't be too surprised if I have to go and get her Sat. night. With the dark and me not being there it should be interesting.
where were you???
I thought I would take time now to post about today and six years ago. It is so strange I can remember people my parents age saying 'I can remember where I was when Kennedy was shot." and that is how 9/11 is for my generation. I was home on maternity leave with Gavin. He was taking his morning nap and I was getting ready to go to the park and meet Meg, Susan and maybe some others. I could hardly hear the TV from the bathroom (I was watching the Today show- which I watched pretty much every morning since the day after Gavin was born) and I could tell something was going on out of the norm. I came into the TV room and remember sitting down in the "big chair" with my hair still wet from my shower and not being able to process what I was seeing. I sat there until Gavin woke up with wet hair dripping not able to move. As I watched I couldn't get it in my head that this was happening in the US and someone purposely planned it out. I sometimes I find it hard to even talk about it because I wasn't personally touched by the attacks. I feel not worthy because some have lost so much, but as I think about it today I try and use it as something to remind me how thankful I am for my family. Also for all those overseas protecting our freedom. Thank you so very much!
I want to be a catepillar when I grow up!
Well, I feel like I should be getting some sort of credit for getting all of you blogging... just kidding I am just glad you are doing it. Now Suzi has taken the plunge and is off to a great start. Keep it up. I just have a few random thoughts for the day before BB starts.
Last night Scott and I were getting the kids ready for bed and I was talking to Gavin about what people are when they grow up (ie teachers, firefighters and the like). And so I asked Chloe "Chloe what do you want to be when you grow up?" And she pauses for a moment and looks at me and with the most serious tone says "A Caterpillar!". WHAT? Where does she gets these things from??? Gavin, Scott and I laughed for some time about that. This is one of those times when you can't say 'we aren't laughing at you, we are laughing with you'. We were laughing at her for sure.
My grandma got moved to the nursing home today so I am glad for that because that means she is getting better. Mom says that she maybe able to come home in as little as a week. I am praying she gets her strength back and soon and goes home.
Pushy new bloggers - yes you know who you are - hee hee
Well per my new fellow blogger, Erika, I need to get busy. Well, actually that has been the problem - too busy to blog. I just noticed my list still isn't complete but I am not sure I have more to add tonight. In my defense, I did add the new header which I created and the slideshow of my newest scrappy pages.
This weekend we did our best to squeeze more summer into our final days before the colder air comes. Sat. Scott and I finished up the landscaping around the new patio.
And I just remembered when I looked back at the pictures from this weekend Scott found some guy who was wanting to get rid of some dirt and so he brought up at least 5 huge dump truck loads of it. So now it is all piles up at the back of the lot and Gavin is loving it. Well I least until Scott can get the loader and smooth it all out. And yes that is Gavin on the 4 wheeler. I just looked at the picture and couldn't believe it myself and I took the picture - ya! he looks so big!!!
Sunday we meet Susan, Clara and Jillian at Sycamore swim club for one last swimming day there. The kids had a blast and its hard to believe Gavin and Clara are still such good friends after six years of growing and changing. I guess Clara's plans for marring Gavin haven't changed either. She is so sweet.
Monday we hit Papaw's pool. Unfortunately my mom wasn't able to come, she was down in Richmond with my grandma who had surgery. Come to find out she had a pill (one of the millions she takes) lodged in her intestines. After a brief scare on Wed. she is doing well. I hope she will continue to improve and get to go home very soon.
Rest of the week is taken up by all the boring stuff that I should talk about also because sometimes that is where the great stories are. For example my van is in the shop getting about 6 things fixed (but you got to love the no van payment!) so Chloe and I got to drive Papaw's jeep today. And Chloe has been teasing the boys (Papaw, Scott and Gavin) saying... Silly boys Jeeps are for girls. That's my girl. I have to admit it is fun to drive. Not sure it could stand up to the giant trip to wally world with two kids but fun none the less. tomorrow is the trip to Indy with Suzi and Erika and others to visit the scrapbook convention of all the newest stuff out. Not that I in any way need the newest - its still going to be a fun day.