Ok I have been a bad blogger but things have just been too busy. But if Hannah Montana stops by your house and gives a free concert how could you not blog about it.
We had Christmas at Hemi-Charger Papaw's last night and Chloe got the dance along HM DVD and Mat and she really took it very serious. Had to share.
Hannah Montana stopped by our house!
Thanksgiving at Aunt Marsha's
Thanksgiving was great. Thanks Aunt Marsha you always make such great food and make sure every ones favorites are there (IE. Dew for me I just love that thanks so much!). Also thanks for letting me take home some of the Coconut cream pie I am so picking up one of those next time I go to Noblesville. Thanks Jessica for the olives on toothpicks - a Layton thanksgiving tradition I look forward to every year.
The countdown in on a week and one day until the holiday walk. Another tree and small odds and ends yesterday. This is the tree in our eating area. Decorated with candy canes and cookie cutters. Get it food stuff? Well they were cheap anyway!
Below is the carolers from Erika - thanks and the manger works perfect with Suzi's nativity. I am so lucky to have such great friends who love to decorate and share.and lastly the matel...
it looks better in person I think. Well back to it.
Happy turkey day!
Three little Indian's cute as can be.
Chloe had her Thanksgiving Program today. Do I need to even say it was sooo cute. They said the pledge, sang songs, played the colored bells and made us turkey cookies. It was a great time.
tomorrow we are off to Aunt Marsha's for some great food. Hope everyone has a great day!
I did it!!!
I booked our Disney trip today! We are set to leave Feb 15th and I can't wait. I put the ticker at the top of my blog to track the waiting time. Really cool! If you want to track anything on your blog here is the site ticker .
As you can see I did a little changing of my blog. I feel like this is a better layout and things don't seem to run into each other. I am not crazy about the color I liked the all white of the other template but this will do.
I got another tree up... this one in the office and again thanks to Becky!I need something for the top so back to HL!
Also I got these words and Scott and I put them up yesterday they are above the cabinets in the kitchen. They were really easy to do.
Learn from yesterday... live for today... Hope for tommorow
Scott got the lights up outside but I didn't get a picture because Mike took the kids for the night and we had a date night! More pictures to come!
Don't forget your cell phone!!!
Ok I can't believe I forgot to post this last week but as I was going to my dr. today to get my allergy shot it reminded me what happened last week on my way down there. Last Thursday I took Gavin to school and Chloe and I headed to Indy. But as I was almost to 31 I didn't think I had my cell phone and I really debated to go back or not. But luckily I found it and didn't have to. So I stopped at Shell to get gas and thought my van is so dirty I should get it washed. I pulled into the car wash and my van was clean... as I pull forward the door wasn't going up. So I backed up and tried again. And still nothing. I got out and tried to open the doors but neither one would move. So I start to panic a little. I shut the car off. I didn't want to call 911 but it was kind of an emergency. So I call Scott (luckily I did have my phone) my own personal 911. He says he will call dis-batch and have them send someone. I wait and Scott calls back and says that they are sending someone over. As I am waiting the girl from dis-batch calls me and say they got a hold of the owner inside and he should be coming... and he did. He opens the back door and lets himself in and walks right by my van without even looking at me and heads to the breaker box. He flips the switch and I start to pull and out if I hadn't opened my window I don't know if he would have said any thing to me. And his sorry sounded something like 'this happens all the time!' WHAT???? I drove off in disbelief. So lesson always take your cell phone with you into a carwash!!! I went to the park yesterday to do my last outside shoot for the year, probably, and took a few while I was waiting and here they are...
"What is that in the back of Daddy's truck"
That is what I heard yesterday as we were pulling into the driveway. I didn't even look because I thought it was some sort of car part or construction thing. As I am taking my shoes off in the laundry room I hear Chloe say... "Is that 4wheller for me?". and as you can imagine I did a 180 and sure enough Scott had found her one. All she could say the rest of the night was "Thank you Daddy for my 4 wheeler!" Watch out everyone this could be scary!
Moving along!
This decorating is really cutting into my sitting around on my butt time. Hee hee! Since it was nice I did some more outside today.
I need something on the bench besides Smokey. If I could only get a bow on him it would be perfect.
Our bedroom tree courtesy Becky!!! Thank you Becky!!! so much! Oh ya and I did get a gold star at HL today for the top. One tree down and 8 or so left!
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
If you would have told me I would be decorating on Nov. 11th for Christmas I would have told you "you are crazy". Well here I am. I went to Becky's yesterday and she gave me more decorates than I own and it didn't even put a dent in her collection. Here is just a sample of the beginning of the process. Any help would be great! The front porch needs more but I am stuck now. Less is more with me so its hard to fill it up. Well back to decorating.
Chloe is officially 4 now. She had a great time at her party. Here are Chloe, Mackinley, and Makenzee all dressed up in the new Dora clothes Chloe got. They were loving getting their pictures taken.I can promise things are going to be slow on here until Christmas. I am very busy taking pictures and don't have time right now to play on the computer. I guess since I am on here for work the last thing I want to do is play on here. I will try and keep half way up to date but I can't make any promises.
Chloe is turning 4
No for real this time!
Ok my computer is back up and running and PS is great so I am really starting my 365 photo challenge. I realized this week how much I depend on my computer. Kind of sad! I have created my first action in my new PS and I am feeling really good. My goal is to get caught up on my proofing so I can really play. But I am not sure when that is going to be this time of the year. This is my photo of Chloe at the park one day when the wind and sun were against us. But I kinda like this shot.
computers are a wonderful thing when they are working
Well our computer is very slow right now probably due to something I deleted that I shouldn't have. I am waiting to hear back from one of the guys who are helping me to know what the next step is. One thing I have learned is backup all your photos and important data!! The best thing to do is go to Best buy or wally world and get an an external hard drive. I have heard several people say this but it scared me and sounded hard and above my head. Well, I went out and got one and it is a simple thing. No softwear to load just plug and go. I got 250 GB for $100 well worth not loosing my pics of my children for the last 2 years. So this is your friendly heads up on backing your important data up. So I have not had such a good start to my 365 photo challenge. But here is #1 not a techincally good pic just one I don't get too often of my kids. Its titled
The Many Hats We Wear
This is the inspire me Thursday blog and it really hit home with me tonight as something I would like to blog about.
a/ My hat of wife which I feel is 'taken off' and not worn as much as I would like. Sometimes I will see couples (married or dating) holding hands and talking and enjoying each other and I miss not being able to do this as often now. With everything going on Scott and I don't do that every much or at least not enough. I need to put this on more and fully enjoy this 'hat' more often, because I do love to wear it!
b/ My second hat of mother is worn out sometimes I feel. Don't get me wrong I love wearing this hat also but it defiantly is the hat I wear most of the time. I feel it 95% defines me these days.
c/ My hat of friend is put on the back burn most of the time I feel due to a&b. I can remember a time when this was my most important hat. As I think back to that time I have a hard time remembering what that was like. I am so glad I do still have this hat to wear even if it is not as often as I would like. I am lucky to have some great friends.
Daughter, housekeeper, photographer... and so on. And as another hat to put on is the 365 photos in 365 days. I have seen this and thought it was a good idea but I would like to take on the challenge. I am hoping this will encourage me to use my PS camera more and just take snapshot of the every day things we do. So from today until Sept 17th 2008 I am going to try and take a picture a day of something. Hopefully memorable and worth the time. If any of you are up to the challenge lets go! Here is one I didn't take today but thought I would start off with it unoffically since tomorrow will be the true first day. But I love this photo I took this summer!
Sattle up your horses!
Well fair is fair so here is Chloe as a cowgirl. I think she is finally coming around to the idea that her mother is going to photograph her at very chance I get so she might as well enjoy it. Here lately I have really got some good expressions on her. Not just the why do you have that camera in my face look everytime.
Happy happy joy joy!
Happy day! I have had the full blow PS sitting on my desk for almost a week and I have been too scared of it to load it. Well I got brave today and went for it. I have only had time to do one picture but I am in love!!! Time to share I am sure I will be up all night and have more to post very shortly!!
Why is it taking so long??
Well these pictures are a little old but I need to post them they are so much fun. A couple weeks ago Gavin had a half day of school so we went 'fishing' and when I say we I mean Scott, my dad and me in Papaw's new boat. I am so glad I started taking pictures as soon as we started or I would not have any of them fishing. Papaw caught 3 (I think) and Scott caught 1. About 10 minutes after they started fishing Gavin or Chloe said 'Why is it taking soooooo long?"
Back to normal
Ya I believe I can say we are back up and running smoothly and I am caught up on work. I can't believe how much I depend on the internet until its down. Suzi and I went to Indy today so I could get my allergy shots. I still haven't found a dr. who is able to give them to me here. Well, I should say that my allergy dr. thinks is ok to give me the shots. But it gave Suzi and I a chance to spend the day together. We went to two scrapbooking stores (Suzi won because I am saving money for decorations for the holiday walk). But it was still fun. Chloe was such a good girl today I think she likes being with the girls. I also got a big job offer while I was down there so I may end up making money from this day!!! I had taken these pictures of Chloe a while back when the weather was a little cooler and love how they turned out.
No internet makes me really cranky!
Yesterday Scott and I went with Chloe on her first field trip to the apple orchard. The owner does such a great job explaining how the whole system works. Did you know that in a bee hive the queen bee and all the worker bees are all female. There is only one male and I believe he is called the drone??? I hate bees but after leaving there I do have a greater appreciation for them. Ever since the beginning of school Chloe has been talking about her friend Maggie and even wears tennis shoe to school because Maggie does. Here in the last week Scott and I have started to question the "realness" of Maggie. I mean you have to know Chloe but even for her some of the stories just didn't jive. So I had to post a picture from the apple orchard of Chloe and her friend Maggie...After doing some investigating and we found out there are no Maggies at the preschool on Monday & Wednesday???? So I am not sure if this is an imaginary friend or mistaken name. I am going to be doing some more investigating to find out. But if it is an imaginary friend I just think it is the cutest thing ever just the way she talks about her all the time. And where did she get the name Maggie (maybe Maggie and the ferocious Beast???).
This is why I do photography!
All time BB low
I didn't get a chance to post this when it happened so I am fessing up now. I hit an all time low for my BB (Big Brother) obsession. Last week they did the HOH competition and of course didn't let you now who won. So I went out on the blogs that have the 24/7 feeds to find out who won.
Pretty sad I couldn't wait until Sunday. And of course like every year in the past someone I really didn't want to win did so as of now like every year I am vowing not to watch next year. Ya right.
I am ready for the summer schedule already!!! I knew this all day thing was going to be hard but I really don't like it. Gavin is doing great but I never see him or get to spend any time with him. I feel as if I am losing my little boy. I know poor me but its hard. Here is another activity Chloe and I did while he was at school. Glue fruit Cheerios in the shape of her name. It was funny the first one she did she was just putting any color in any order and I was thinking it would be neat if each letter had a different color. Then when she was done with the first one she wanted to do another so I said yes. And without me saying anything she said I want to do all yellow on the 'C' and all purple on the 'h' and so on. She is my daughter!!
I went yesterday to get my allergies tested. New doctor in Noblesville due to my old dr. lying to me. Yes my old allergy dr. lied to me about six years ago so I really didn't want to go back to him. I am just funny that way. What I thought was interesting was that the old dr. sent the new dr. my records and I really didn't think anything would be mentioned about what happened but it was and really pretty truthfully, well I mean without coming right out and saying that he lied (or withheld the truth). I really liked the new dr. and he told me some new things I didn't know before. I of course am allergic to pretty much life in general. I will start my shots in about a week or so which I am actually excited about because I know they will help.
I am going on the mini camping trip on Friday. Scott and the kids are staying all weekend and I have plans so I am just going to stay Friday night. It will be a good test for Chloe - she gets so weirded out when it gets dark outside and she is outside. I won't be too surprised if I have to go and get her Sat. night. With the dark and me not being there it should be interesting.
where were you???
I thought I would take time now to post about today and six years ago. It is so strange I can remember people my parents age saying 'I can remember where I was when Kennedy was shot." and that is how 9/11 is for my generation. I was home on maternity leave with Gavin. He was taking his morning nap and I was getting ready to go to the park and meet Meg, Susan and maybe some others. I could hardly hear the TV from the bathroom (I was watching the Today show- which I watched pretty much every morning since the day after Gavin was born) and I could tell something was going on out of the norm. I came into the TV room and remember sitting down in the "big chair" with my hair still wet from my shower and not being able to process what I was seeing. I sat there until Gavin woke up with wet hair dripping not able to move. As I watched I couldn't get it in my head that this was happening in the US and someone purposely planned it out. I sometimes I find it hard to even talk about it because I wasn't personally touched by the attacks. I feel not worthy because some have lost so much, but as I think about it today I try and use it as something to remind me how thankful I am for my family. Also for all those overseas protecting our freedom. Thank you so very much!
I want to be a catepillar when I grow up!
Well, I feel like I should be getting some sort of credit for getting all of you blogging... just kidding I am just glad you are doing it. Now Suzi has taken the plunge and is off to a great start. Keep it up. I just have a few random thoughts for the day before BB starts.
Last night Scott and I were getting the kids ready for bed and I was talking to Gavin about what people are when they grow up (ie teachers, firefighters and the like). And so I asked Chloe "Chloe what do you want to be when you grow up?" And she pauses for a moment and looks at me and with the most serious tone says "A Caterpillar!". WHAT? Where does she gets these things from??? Gavin, Scott and I laughed for some time about that. This is one of those times when you can't say 'we aren't laughing at you, we are laughing with you'. We were laughing at her for sure.
My grandma got moved to the nursing home today so I am glad for that because that means she is getting better. Mom says that she maybe able to come home in as little as a week. I am praying she gets her strength back and soon and goes home.
Pushy new bloggers - yes you know who you are - hee hee
Well per my new fellow blogger, Erika, I need to get busy. Well, actually that has been the problem - too busy to blog. I just noticed my list still isn't complete but I am not sure I have more to add tonight. In my defense, I did add the new header which I created and the slideshow of my newest scrappy pages.
This weekend we did our best to squeeze more summer into our final days before the colder air comes. Sat. Scott and I finished up the landscaping around the new patio.
And I just remembered when I looked back at the pictures from this weekend Scott found some guy who was wanting to get rid of some dirt and so he brought up at least 5 huge dump truck loads of it. So now it is all piles up at the back of the lot and Gavin is loving it. Well I least until Scott can get the loader and smooth it all out. And yes that is Gavin on the 4 wheeler. I just looked at the picture and couldn't believe it myself and I took the picture - ya! he looks so big!!!
Sunday we meet Susan, Clara and Jillian at Sycamore swim club for one last swimming day there. The kids had a blast and its hard to believe Gavin and Clara are still such good friends after six years of growing and changing. I guess Clara's plans for marring Gavin haven't changed either. She is so sweet.
Monday we hit Papaw's pool. Unfortunately my mom wasn't able to come, she was down in Richmond with my grandma who had surgery. Come to find out she had a pill (one of the millions she takes) lodged in her intestines. After a brief scare on Wed. she is doing well. I hope she will continue to improve and get to go home very soon.
Rest of the week is taken up by all the boring stuff that I should talk about also because sometimes that is where the great stories are. For example my van is in the shop getting about 6 things fixed (but you got to love the no van payment!) so Chloe and I got to drive Papaw's jeep today. And Chloe has been teasing the boys (Papaw, Scott and Gavin) saying... Silly boys Jeeps are for girls. That's my girl. I have to admit it is fun to drive. Not sure it could stand up to the giant trip to wally world with two kids but fun none the less. tomorrow is the trip to Indy with Suzi and Erika and others to visit the scrapbook convention of all the newest stuff out. Not that I in any way need the newest - its still going to be a fun day.
just another day
I don't have anything great to talk about our lives today so I thought I would use today to do some of the blog challenges I have seen.
The 36 things I want to do before my 37th birthday (in April) in no order, well other than the way they come into my head...
- Hug my kids more each day
- Tell my family that I love them more
- play with my kids more
- Learn how to mask in PS
- Read the purpose driven life Suzi gave me I don't know how long ago.
- walk 4 times a week.
- lower my in take of sugar
- grow my business
- scrapbook more (I can't believe it took me to now to say that)
- stop and smell the roses
- get organized (personally and professionally)
- paint the entryway
- paint the hallway (Erika and Scott's way)
- tile around the hotbath
- take more ordinary snap shots of my family (and have me in some of them)
- paint the halfbath
- keep up with backing up my photos from the computer
- sew another purse
- make Chloe and Gavin bean bags for the playroom
- go the the allergy dr and start my shots again.
- go to Disney in Feb.
- plan our trip to California in July
- get the full blown PS
- have the holiday walk here at our house
- not have someone ask if Chloe is my granddaughter on the 37th b-day
Here is a picture to show what Chloe likes to do when bubby is at school...
Getting a schedule going???
Well kinda! Just trying to figure out went to do everything now that Gavin is gone from 8 am to 4pm. Things are going great for him last week he got a 5 out of 5 on his behavior and his first spelling test is today. Last week is a blur. Monday school for both children. Tue. to papaw's pool with friends. Wed school and my first maternity shoot and still have not looked at the pictures can't wait - maybe tonight. Thurs. to the doctor for me and new point and shoot camera (camera's don't like diet coke I guess) and cell phone for Scott and I.
Thursday night Open house at Gavin's school. Ann of course is his teacher. Really funny going there and everyone Scott and I went to school with is there with their kids or teaching. Mrs. Loveless was talking to us and I asked how Gavin was doing and she said great... he is very meticulous - in only 1 week she can already see that as if its hard to recognize.
Friday went and got a ton of flowers to plant in the new area around the house and new patio. I think it is going to look great next year when everything really takes off.Friday night we went to Max's b-day party at Lunar golf the kids loved it and of course Gavin is now having his party there.
Sat. was our anniversary and we went to the Melting Pot and had a great time. The kids stayed with Grandma and grandpa for the night.
Sunday Erika came over and we scrapbooked all day. Even though my house was a mess and laundry was piles up and no food in the kitchen. First things first scrapbooking! At least we were in the basement so I didn't have to look at everything that needed done. I will post my fave from Sunday to night. Scott took the kids to the car show and even took pictures - I have him trained.I must go pick up the kids now maybe more later.
Gavin still needs hugs!
Today was different in that Chloe and I went to the pool with friends and Gavin was not there. Of course he had school and wasn't able to go and it was really kind of strange. Him being gone all day is rough. Yesterday when he got home he was mad and whinny and I couldn't figure out why. After sending him to his room I went up to talk to him and gave him a hug and he let me hug him for a good 10-15 minutes. I think its hard on him also. It reminded me that he is still my little boy... shhhh! don't tell him I said that. Sunday we finished up the swing set and the kids love it. They are really have a good time on it. I have two shoots this week, open house at Gavin's school, b-day party for Max, Sat. Scott and I are celebrating our 9th anniversary ( going to the melting pot for dinner and the kids are spending the night with grandma), and Sunday I am getting to scrap all day while the kids and Scott go to the car show. Not sure how much blogging will get done but I will try and catch up on Monday. I did this layout a while back but wanted to share.
WOW! Scott and I spent our entire day building a playset for the kids and we are still not done. We started at 11 and ended at 5ish. Tomorrow shouldn't be as bad we completed the major part today.
Yesterday and today Chloe has asked if she is going to school today and is very disappointed when I say no not until Monday. I am so glad she is excited about going. She has been signing this song she learned there that goes... 'The bus is starting to wiggle, the bus is starting to wiggle, the bus is starting to wiggle, aroun and aroun and around. Gavin is loving school, his new bus and driver, his teacher and the lunches - ya!
Yesterday was the first day of School for Gavin and Chloe. Gavin going all day to first grade and Chloe to her first year of preschool. Gavin was up and dressed before we knew it.
Then Chloe didn't have to be there until 12:30 so we took our time getting ready and doing all the important stuff like painting her nails and doing her hair. She looked so cute.I am mad because my camera was set on 1600 ISO and I didn't realized it until I uploaded the pictures. But still really cute kids if I do say so. They both came home loving school so Scott and I are happy. Chloe wishing she could go everyday like bubby but I told her lets wait on somethings. I started looking into flyng to FL this winter and I am hoping that we can swing it to save ourselves 2 days but we will see. Well off to see if I can come up with a jewerly design for a new mag coming out soon - thanks Erika!
Catching up!
Well, so much for keeping up daily... I knew the wouldn't last forever. Thurs. we went to Elliot's (a friend of Gavin's) house to swim. It was great 6 boys and Chloe, but she managed to hold her own. Then Friday we ran earns in the morning then when the kids and I got home Scott was home and said there was a great deal on a camper he wanted to check out. So he took the kids and went to Anderson. I had a rehearsal dinner to take pictures at so I stayed home. When I got home from there Scott told me Rick Smitts (and if you aren't from Indiana he was a Pacer for years) was at our house earlier looking at one of his cars he had for sale. He couldn't stop talking about it. Today Scott was at the station so the kids and I headed over to the pool for one of our last full days of swimming before school starts. Tomorrow is the car show at church I am hoping it isn't going to be 96 and humid like today. I did a couple of new scrapbook pages I am excited about hope you enjoy.