Ok I tried this last year but am going to try harder this year. For those that don't know what it is there are some others who have done this below.
http://365photosin2009.wordpress.com/ (if you go here and click on the tab of themes you will get a bunch of ideas to help you on those days when you think what could I possibly take a picture of today.)
These are just a couple of good ones I found if you find more leave them in the comments section. Thanks and good luck.
365 photo a day challenge
1st in Kata
I just had to take a minute and say how proud we are of Gavin. He received 1st in Kata Saturday at the tournament. I believe there were 9 or 10 kids in his division. And what made it even better for him was they gave away trophies for 1st and 2nd and he really wanted one. He has gotten a metal and a plaque before so this was big time for him. Very cool and of course I took some pics.
And the smile that only first place can give you...
Dance recital
I can't believe tomorrow is Chloe's dance recital and I haven't posted any pictures in her dance dress. Its so cute. She is dancing to the song that goes -- "sugar pie, honey pie, you know that I love you... I can't help myself I love you and no body else. You know the song???? I will have to get the title. Well she preforms at 1 and 7 tomorrow. It will be a long day. Oh ya and to top things off I took her to the doctor this morning and she has strep throat. But since we got in this morning she will be fine by noon tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
handmade beads!
Our new kittens
Poor Chloe I sometimes thing she was born into the wrong family. She loves animals so much and Gavin and I are sooo allergic. But Smokey (our current cat who we have had for about 10 years - outside) is really starting to show his age and we thought Chloe would love a new kitten. So we found two free black kittens. They are Boo (Chloe's kitten) and Luke (Gavin's kitten). They are so cute and fun to watch. When we got them home Gavin said something about the kitty and Chloe corrected him and said he isn't a kitty he's a kitten. I am not sure what the difference is but Chloe does.
Birthday month
Well I have to say this has been a really good birthday month for me. I think I have celebrated since April 12 until yesterday. Yesterday 5 friends came over and scrapbooked all day. I worked on thank yous and the kids books from disney. I am making them each a book with the pics of each character and the signature. Gavin even got up this morning and went downstairs (where my scrapbooking area is) and while I was finishing up a last page wrote on a few of his pages. Very cute. I am hoping to get them done before they forget we went there.
I got some new lights and what a difference they make. Here are a few from Gavin's small session this morning...
And not to leave Chloe out I got a new chair and she helped me test my new lights also.
4th place in kata
Happy birhtday to me!
Well I am hoping this birthday is better than last. As most of you have heard my McDonald's story from last year. And if you haven't let me know and I would be happy to tell you.
Here's to a great season
I don't watch football or really get into the games but I would have liked to see the Colts go a little further this year. Chloe got this cheerleader's outfit from Car Grandma for Christmas, so of course we had to take some pictures.
And on a side note... last night when I was reading a book to the kids I didn't say a word or paraphrased a sentence and was busted by the newest reader in our house. I guess I am going to have to start paying closer attention and read it word for word.
Fukyugata Shodan
No I didn't just call you something terrible. This is the Kata Gavin did to earn his next belt at Karate. Before Christmas break we weren't sure if he was going to continue with it; but, he has a renewed passion for it now. He is now an orange/blue belt. I have to say Donnie is so great with the kids. They all look up to him and respect him, but at the same time love going to his classes.
I challenge you!
The kids and I spend most of the afternoon in the basement. Chloe got a paper doll kit from my mom for her b-day and her and Gavin spent about 3 hours dressing the dolls. Just for clarification there were boy dolls in the kits! I cleaned up the mess left over from the Christmas decorating. Tonight I pulled out an oldie for the disney movie marathon - The Rescuers. Kinda of dark and scary but the kids did great. Tomorrow we start back, somewhat, on the school schedule. Chloe has dance and cheer spirit and then back to school for Gavin on Tuesday. Not sure if we will get a movie in or not. Instead of posting a picture today I thought I would post the challenge layout in case anyone was interested in participating. It's not due until the 25th but my goal is by next Sunday.
Disney movie marathon weekend.
We have really been gearing up for disney... how?? Watching all the movies my kids have never seen. Friday we watched Finding Nemo for the first time. I don't know why we haven't seen it before now. Gavin has always been so sensitive when it came to movies and anything bad happening so I guess we have kinda sheltered him in that way. Today was Monsters Inc. and yes for the first time. Gavin laughed a lot at this one. Above is Chloe playing her leapster.
What is your favorite TV program?
On TS the blog challenge was what is your favorite TV program so I thought I would blog about that. I love watching Jon & Kate plus 8 WHY?? I am not sure. I think Kate is amazing with the 8 kids and her and Jon are so real. They don't try and make you think its easy but do laugh at the situations they are in with so many children. I know why God didn't give me that many kids... because I couldn't handle it. I watch it so intensely that I can tell all the kids apart and know their personalities. They are really fun and cute.
We went to Chuck E. Cheese today with Suzi and Josh. Wow its big now. It was still pretty busy with kids home on Christmas break but lots of fun.
Growing up
I am now one of those parents I never thought I would be... Gavin knows more about the Nintendo DS and playstation 2 and even the other one (that we don't even own) I can't even remember the name of...... oh ya gameboy. How sad!!!! He will say things like I got another track unlocked and I am like "Cool - good job!" and in my mind I am thinking what the heck does that mean??? Also there is no more spelling things out or talking in code because he figures it out. And to top it off yesterday we were putting away the last of the Christmas stuff and Gavin said you know I am beginning to think Santa isn't real. WHAT!!!!!? I wrap Santa's present in all white kraft paper and stamp the names on it. And in the office I decorated in snowmen with a blue and white theme. So two of the presents I wrapped in the white kraft paper and he noticed. I really didn't say anything and just let it go. I think he really still wants to believe but it starting to question it. He's growing up.Here is my attempt at using the flash while Gavin is playing the playstation2. Too much flash but you got to love that concentration!
Playroom after Christmas
Well, I can tell you where we will be eating at 5:20pm on Feb 16th Liberty Tree Tavern with Mini Mouse and all her friends. Everyone we have talked to says to book your sit down meals at Disney ahead of time or we will never get into see the characters. So we are set for one of the meals everyday. The last day is what I am looking forward to the most Breakfast with the princesses I can't wait and oh ya I hope Chloe likes it too. I have a feeling she is going to like the Play and Dine more, but I could be surprised. I can't wait now that Christmas is over I am ready to go to Disney.
Here is my first photos of 2008... I am trying to learn how to take better snap shots. I am hoping to learn a lot and get much better. Its warmed up to 12 degrees today so things are better, but 50 something by this weekend thats what I am talking about.
Home Improvment
Even new homes need things. We spent the last day of 2007 and the first day of 2008 tiling and painting our bathroom. I am really happy with it. Scott does great work. Next is the finishing touches and it will be done.And here is a merry Christmas & Happy New Year, since I didn't get a chance to say it. I wish everyone many great things in the coming year.