Thanksgiving was great. Thanks Aunt Marsha you always make such great food and make sure every ones favorites are there (IE. Dew for me I just love that thanks so much!). Also thanks for letting me take home some of the Coconut cream pie I am so picking up one of those next time I go to Noblesville. Thanks Jessica for the olives on toothpicks - a Layton thanksgiving tradition I look forward to every year.
The countdown in on a week and one day until the holiday walk. Another tree and small odds and ends yesterday. This is the tree in our eating area. Decorated with candy canes and cookie cutters. Get it food stuff? Well they were cheap anyway!
Below is the carolers from Erika - thanks and the manger works perfect with Suzi's nativity. I am so lucky to have such great friends who love to decorate and share.and lastly the matel...
it looks better in person I think. Well back to it.
Thanksgiving at Aunt Marsha's
Happy turkey day!
Three little Indian's cute as can be.
Chloe had her Thanksgiving Program today. Do I need to even say it was sooo cute. They said the pledge, sang songs, played the colored bells and made us turkey cookies. It was a great time.
tomorrow we are off to Aunt Marsha's for some great food. Hope everyone has a great day!
I did it!!!
I booked our Disney trip today! We are set to leave Feb 15th and I can't wait. I put the ticker at the top of my blog to track the waiting time. Really cool! If you want to track anything on your blog here is the site ticker .
As you can see I did a little changing of my blog. I feel like this is a better layout and things don't seem to run into each other. I am not crazy about the color I liked the all white of the other template but this will do.
I got another tree up... this one in the office and again thanks to Becky!I need something for the top so back to HL!
Also I got these words and Scott and I put them up yesterday they are above the cabinets in the kitchen. They were really easy to do.
Learn from yesterday... live for today... Hope for tommorow
Scott got the lights up outside but I didn't get a picture because Mike took the kids for the night and we had a date night! More pictures to come!
Don't forget your cell phone!!!
Ok I can't believe I forgot to post this last week but as I was going to my dr. today to get my allergy shot it reminded me what happened last week on my way down there. Last Thursday I took Gavin to school and Chloe and I headed to Indy. But as I was almost to 31 I didn't think I had my cell phone and I really debated to go back or not. But luckily I found it and didn't have to. So I stopped at Shell to get gas and thought my van is so dirty I should get it washed. I pulled into the car wash and my van was clean... as I pull forward the door wasn't going up. So I backed up and tried again. And still nothing. I got out and tried to open the doors but neither one would move. So I start to panic a little. I shut the car off. I didn't want to call 911 but it was kind of an emergency. So I call Scott (luckily I did have my phone) my own personal 911. He says he will call dis-batch and have them send someone. I wait and Scott calls back and says that they are sending someone over. As I am waiting the girl from dis-batch calls me and say they got a hold of the owner inside and he should be coming... and he did. He opens the back door and lets himself in and walks right by my van without even looking at me and heads to the breaker box. He flips the switch and I start to pull and out if I hadn't opened my window I don't know if he would have said any thing to me. And his sorry sounded something like 'this happens all the time!' WHAT???? I drove off in disbelief. So lesson always take your cell phone with you into a carwash!!! I went to the park yesterday to do my last outside shoot for the year, probably, and took a few while I was waiting and here they are...
"What is that in the back of Daddy's truck"
That is what I heard yesterday as we were pulling into the driveway. I didn't even look because I thought it was some sort of car part or construction thing. As I am taking my shoes off in the laundry room I hear Chloe say... "Is that 4wheller for me?". and as you can imagine I did a 180 and sure enough Scott had found her one. All she could say the rest of the night was "Thank you Daddy for my 4 wheeler!" Watch out everyone this could be scary!
Moving along!
This decorating is really cutting into my sitting around on my butt time. Hee hee! Since it was nice I did some more outside today.
I need something on the bench besides Smokey. If I could only get a bow on him it would be perfect.
Our bedroom tree courtesy Becky!!! Thank you Becky!!! so much! Oh ya and I did get a gold star at HL today for the top. One tree down and 8 or so left!
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
If you would have told me I would be decorating on Nov. 11th for Christmas I would have told you "you are crazy". Well here I am. I went to Becky's yesterday and she gave me more decorates than I own and it didn't even put a dent in her collection. Here is just a sample of the beginning of the process. Any help would be great! The front porch needs more but I am stuck now. Less is more with me so its hard to fill it up. Well back to decorating.
Chloe is officially 4 now. She had a great time at her party. Here are Chloe, Mackinley, and Makenzee all dressed up in the new Dora clothes Chloe got. They were loving getting their pictures taken.I can promise things are going to be slow on here until Christmas. I am very busy taking pictures and don't have time right now to play on the computer. I guess since I am on here for work the last thing I want to do is play on here. I will try and keep half way up to date but I can't make any promises.