Guess who is turning 4. Well as most little girls Chloe wants a Dora party. So here she is as a semi blond Dora...
Chloe is turning 4
No for real this time!
Ok my computer is back up and running and PS is great so I am really starting my 365 photo challenge. I realized this week how much I depend on my computer. Kind of sad! I have created my first action in my new PS and I am feeling really good. My goal is to get caught up on my proofing so I can really play. But I am not sure when that is going to be this time of the year. This is my photo of Chloe at the park one day when the wind and sun were against us. But I kinda like this shot.
computers are a wonderful thing when they are working
Well our computer is very slow right now probably due to something I deleted that I shouldn't have. I am waiting to hear back from one of the guys who are helping me to know what the next step is. One thing I have learned is backup all your photos and important data!! The best thing to do is go to Best buy or wally world and get an an external hard drive. I have heard several people say this but it scared me and sounded hard and above my head. Well, I went out and got one and it is a simple thing. No softwear to load just plug and go. I got 250 GB for $100 well worth not loosing my pics of my children for the last 2 years. So this is your friendly heads up on backing your important data up. So I have not had such a good start to my 365 photo challenge. But here is #1 not a techincally good pic just one I don't get too often of my kids. Its titled
The Many Hats We Wear
This is the inspire me Thursday blog and it really hit home with me tonight as something I would like to blog about.
a/ My hat of wife which I feel is 'taken off' and not worn as much as I would like. Sometimes I will see couples (married or dating) holding hands and talking and enjoying each other and I miss not being able to do this as often now. With everything going on Scott and I don't do that every much or at least not enough. I need to put this on more and fully enjoy this 'hat' more often, because I do love to wear it!
b/ My second hat of mother is worn out sometimes I feel. Don't get me wrong I love wearing this hat also but it defiantly is the hat I wear most of the time. I feel it 95% defines me these days.
c/ My hat of friend is put on the back burn most of the time I feel due to a&b. I can remember a time when this was my most important hat. As I think back to that time I have a hard time remembering what that was like. I am so glad I do still have this hat to wear even if it is not as often as I would like. I am lucky to have some great friends.
Daughter, housekeeper, photographer... and so on. And as another hat to put on is the 365 photos in 365 days. I have seen this and thought it was a good idea but I would like to take on the challenge. I am hoping this will encourage me to use my PS camera more and just take snapshot of the every day things we do. So from today until Sept 17th 2008 I am going to try and take a picture a day of something. Hopefully memorable and worth the time. If any of you are up to the challenge lets go! Here is one I didn't take today but thought I would start off with it unoffically since tomorrow will be the true first day. But I love this photo I took this summer!
Sattle up your horses!
Well fair is fair so here is Chloe as a cowgirl. I think she is finally coming around to the idea that her mother is going to photograph her at very chance I get so she might as well enjoy it. Here lately I have really got some good expressions on her. Not just the why do you have that camera in my face look everytime.
Happy happy joy joy!
Happy day! I have had the full blow PS sitting on my desk for almost a week and I have been too scared of it to load it. Well I got brave today and went for it. I have only had time to do one picture but I am in love!!! Time to share I am sure I will be up all night and have more to post very shortly!!
Why is it taking so long??
Well these pictures are a little old but I need to post them they are so much fun. A couple weeks ago Gavin had a half day of school so we went 'fishing' and when I say we I mean Scott, my dad and me in Papaw's new boat. I am so glad I started taking pictures as soon as we started or I would not have any of them fishing. Papaw caught 3 (I think) and Scott caught 1. About 10 minutes after they started fishing Gavin or Chloe said 'Why is it taking soooooo long?"
Back to normal
Ya I believe I can say we are back up and running smoothly and I am caught up on work. I can't believe how much I depend on the internet until its down. Suzi and I went to Indy today so I could get my allergy shots. I still haven't found a dr. who is able to give them to me here. Well, I should say that my allergy dr. thinks is ok to give me the shots. But it gave Suzi and I a chance to spend the day together. We went to two scrapbooking stores (Suzi won because I am saving money for decorations for the holiday walk). But it was still fun. Chloe was such a good girl today I think she likes being with the girls. I also got a big job offer while I was down there so I may end up making money from this day!!! I had taken these pictures of Chloe a while back when the weather was a little cooler and love how they turned out.